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NPM Install seemingly taking forever / does not complete Print

  • 6

If your NPM Installation seems to be taking forever or never seems to complete you should try these steps.

All of this is assuming that you have placed your application files in the proper locations and that your package.json is defined correctly.

  1. Log into your cPanel and go to "Setup Node.js App"

  2. Click the pencil icon to edit your application.

  3. Click on the command shown at the top to copy the command to your clipboard.

  4. Access the "Terminal" in your cPanel, or alternatively log into SSH with your cPanel username and Password.

  5. Inside of the Terminal or SSH - paste in the command you copied from Step 3.

  6. Now that you are in your application's virtual environment run the command:
    npm set strict-ssl false

  7. Now that you have set strict-ssl to false, you can run the installation:
    npm install

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