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MailMan One-Click Unsubscribe Link Print

  • 82

All mailings you send using the Mailman mailing list software built into your control panel should contain a one-click unsubscribe link, to comply with the CAN-SPAM act, and to allow us to unsubscribe a recipient who decides to report the email as spam rather than unsubscribe.

Adding a one-click unsubscribe link to your MailMan list is not very difficult.

1. Log into your cPanel and click the "Mailing Lists" icon.

2. Click the "Modify" link next to a mailing list.

3. Enter your password and log into the Mailman admin interface.

4. Click the "Non-digest options" link under Configuration Categories at the top left side of the page.

5. Set the "Should Mailman personalize each non-digest delivery?" option to Yes.

6. Add the following link to the footer: %(user_optionsurl)s?password=%(user_password)s&unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1

For example, to show a sentence at the bottom of the email which reads "Click here to unsubscribe", enter this at the bottom of the footer:

<a href="%(user_optionsurl)s?password=%(user_password)s&unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">
Click here to unsubscribe

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